12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Хайрулина Олеся Игоревна266
стаж работы 19 лет
Россия, Сахалинская обл., село Ильинское

Молодёжные организации: Орлята России

Done by: Foteeva Alina

Eaglets of Russia Eaglets of Russia is a large–scale all-Russian project for primary schools to educate active citizens of our country, uniting millions of children, teachers and parents. The Eagles of Russia project was created in 2021 on the initiative of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov. Over the three years of its existence, the scale of the project has grown to the All-Russian level with a mission of historical significance.

It all started with an idea. Why did the Eaglets of Russia take work with younger schoolchildren as a basis? It's simple – in elementary grades, the spiritual and moral foundations of a person's personality are laid. The child acquires the experience of communicating with peers, mentors, teachers and opinion leaders, which shapes him as a person in the future. With this in mind, the project was based on the idea of child development through collective creative activity.

All-Russian recognition. During the year, students, under the guidance of teachers, take part in collective creative activities of various directions "The Little Eagle is a polymath", "The Little Eagle is a keeper of historical memory", "The Little Eagle is a master", "The Little Eagle is a leader", "The Little Eagle is an athlete", "The Little Eagle is a volunteer", "The Little Eagle is an ecologist" and receive the title of "Eaglet".

All-Russian recognition At the moment, more than 100,000 classes from all regions of the Russian Federation are participating in the program, which is more than a million children and adults. The implementation of the first stage of the project showed how much the meanings inherent in the "Eaglets of Russia" are in demand and important. They are important for children, for adults, for our whole country.

Further – more! The project has already found a response among millions of people across the country. The Eaglets of Russia have grandiose plans, and we are fully ready to implement them. We are not afraid to take risks and boldly step forward, because the more children become conscious leaders, true patriots, good friends, the more prosperous and brighter our future will be.